Invest in accountable leadership for Melrose
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Find out how I plan on using a seat on the City Council to bring our community together and deliver solutions for the most pressing issues that confront Melrose.
Budgetary accountability and oversight
Fully-funded schools and public safety
Term limits for all elected officials
Practical affordable housing solutions
Melrose Veterans Memorial Middle School
Mail-in Voting
Application Deadline
A New Day in Melrose
Today is a new day in Melrose where we demand accountability, transparency, and results out of our elected leaders. In that spirit, I am announcing my candidacy to represent Ward 7 on the Melrose City Council and would be honored to have your support.
Melrose Resident Announces Bid For City Council (Melrose Patch)
Melrose, MA - Resident Alex Rodriguez has announced his candidacy for Ward 7 City Councilor in the upcoming Municipal Election on Tuesday, Nov. 4.
Not affiliated with any political party, Rodriguez named some of his priorities if elected as funding the school district, improving public safety, and a focus on budgetary oversight.
Do you want to know who funds my campaign?
You have a right to know! Access my donor list from 2024 and a list updated in real-time from the current year.