It's time to get to work for Melrose.

I promise to be your voice on the Council and work towards accountability, transparency, and tangible results for our city.

Budget and Oversight

The basic function of a legislator is to conduct budgetary oversight. Several Councilors have been nothing more than rubber stamps for proposed budgets. As your Councilor, I will use my position to drive more Council input in the budgeting process and conduct aggressive oversight to ensure city officials have to answer for how tax dollars are spent.

School Funding, Public Safety, & Overrides

Our elected officials need to stop using our children's futures and personal safety as political footballs. I will only support budgets that first attempt to fund our schools and public safety through the normal budgeting process using overrides to pay for remaining unfunded line items. If my efforts fail, I will support overrides to avoid cuts that would harm Melrose.

Government Reform

Many of our officials extol citizen governance while accepting contributions and assistance from political parties and political action committees (PACs) in order to win elections. I pledge to refuse such help, propose term limits for all elected officials, serve no more than two terms, and not seek higher office after my time on the Council is over.

Affordable Housing

Most affordable housing proposals in Melrose have been unfocused, too large in scale, and are unlikely to ever be implemented. I will propose giving teachers and first responders the right of first refusal for affordable properties controlled by the Melrose Housing Authority and will work with the Administration to develop a down payment assistance program so we can call them our neighbors.